6/28/09 - 7/5/09

‘Afterlife of an Island, A Will’o-wisp’ drinking/plotting table’.

Frank Gilks (y5)

A marsh gas power plant is set up as an experimental government funded initiative to create renewable energy from flooding marshland. Workers of The Lantern Marsh scheme utilise the resources available across the flooding landscape to produce a moonshine drinking spirit. Each night they gather to scheme and plot operations required for the production of this ‘Island Spirit’.

The Pump House Table serves as a scale model of the power plant scheme on which manoeuvres can be mapped out, as well as a drinking table from which the distilled ‘Island Spirit’ can be consumed.

Frank Gilks y5 U23 frankgilks@aol.com

Posted on

June 30, 2009


‘Cleansing the City’

Tim Tasker

The City of London, said to be the financial capital of the world, is experiencing a crisis which challenges the mechanics of its existence. Starved of the ancient Livery Guilds, which once bonded the people through religion, ritual and regulation, the City has become severed from its historical roots based on kinship and fraternity. Further loss of ceremony, health and community has been exacerbated by the covering of the wells, springs and spas, which had cleansed London’s people and shaped its past. Hence, the Financial Services Authority is transformed with the gradual introduction of a parasitic architecture, which seeks to elevate this regulatory body and unearth these sacred sources of purgative minerals.

Tim Tasker Y5 U23 mrtjdtasker@yahoo.co.uk 07951537631

Posted on

June 29, 2009


‘Oil and Soil; The Resurrection of Milford Haven’

Andrew Yorke

Through the implementation of a Pioneering Vessel System in 2030, the project highlights a remediation avenue which initiates the longer term solution of converting the Texaco Oil Refinery in Milford Haven, Wales into a “New Haven”. The connected Vessels, which inhabit the redundant infrastructure of the refinery, utilise physical steam extraction, bioremediation and phytoremediation to cleanse the soil of toxins. This system allows the infrastructure of the refinery to remain, showing how it could be adapted and reconfigured into a new parkland that offers more than merely an industrial museum to fossil fuels.

Andrew Yorke Y5 U23 yorke.andrew@googlemail.com 07801063265