10/9/11 - 10/16/11

This place is an interesting resource in london that provides facilities and workshops on all kinds of topics about hacking machinery, electronics etc. They have their own laser cutters, electronics bays, and workshop.

London Hackspace

Posted on

October 14, 2011

"The Eternal Frame is an examination of the role that the media plays in the creation of (post) modern historical myths. For T.R. Uthco and Ant Farm, the iconic event that signified the ultimate collusion of historical spectacle and media image was the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963. The work begins with an excerpt from the only filmed record of Kennedy's assassination: Super-8 footage shot by Abraham Zapruder, a bystander on the parade route."

also other really interesting film by same group + Alva Altos Doc is worth watching


Posted on

October 13, 2011

Swiss architect exploring "image-made" architectures using Photoshop and photography.


The Innocents documents the stories of individuals who served time in prison for violent crimes they did not commit. At issue is the question of photography's function as a credible eyewitness and arbiter of justice. 

Nice documentary about Kubrick's obsessive working methods, and the vast archive of research (and just pure eccentricities) he left behind stored in boxes on his estate.

Free plugin download for 3DS Max for 3D Scanning files.

An online archive of film of many various artist and architects. An archive of inspiration.
Ubu web has an extensive archive-database of film, sounds, writings, papers and lots more.
